tisdag 10 juli 2012

Getterön --> Vrångö

Yesterday transportation from Getterön to Vrångö. Just as we left the harbor I saw a sailboat in strange angle on wrong place. He was on a place where water is very shallow. He was on the ground and there was heavy waves and 10m/s in wind. I called Swedish Rescue and reported so they did an alarm on the VHF radio for all ships in area. From beginning I did not see any persons on the boat but not any in water ether. They could have fallen when they hit the rocks and maybe unconscious but after a while there was movements. During time they went of with help of the waves and put up sail and my their own make back into harbor.

Then course was set north and wind and waves was quite strong.
Headed Vrångö after 6,5 hours and had a nice evening with friends and BBQ och the dock :)